How to Self-Induce a Trance-Like State
Settle into a private place where you know you won't be disturbed for several hours. Make yourself comfortable, but don't lie down, as that will probably cause you to fall asleep. Sitting on a comfortable cushion with your legs loosely crossed may work well. Do what feels right for you.
Put on some relaxing music if it helps you to concentrate. Some people are better able to achieve a trance state while listening to music, while others prefer silence.
Sit for 10 or 15 minutes without doing anything or attempting to do anything. Simply feel your body sitting there. Don't do anything. Many people find this very difficult, particularly goal-oriented people who think that they should always be accomplishing something.
Close your eyes gently. Once your mind has become quiet, begin to observe your breath. Don't try to control it -- just observe it going in through your nostrils and then passing out again.
Observe the sensations throughout your body. Don't judge them or try to change them, simply be aware of them and how they are changing over time.
Observe your breath and your body for at least an hour. You may not achieve anything like a trance state the first time you do this. Continue to do it every day, and don't worry about whether you are achieving a trance state or not.