How to Stop People From Pushing Your Buttons
Make a list of things that people do that push your buttons. Being aware of what triggers your negative emotions will help you stop people from getting the best of you.
Prepare yourself in advance so you can keep from getting upset, if you're planning an interaction with someone who habitually pushes your buttons. Think about the root cause of why the person's actions or words upset you. Ask yourself if it's really worth it to become upset. Try to think about the situation in a different way that will be less upsetting. Visualize the situation and imagine yourself staying calm, no matter what.
Take a deep breath and count backwards to 10 silently or repeat a silent mantra in your head such as "I will stay calm" or "I won't be provoked" when someone begins to try to push your buttons.
Think of a pleasant situation that will mentally remove you from the stress of the situation, such as watching a sunset or taking a ride in a hot air balloon, if you feel your emotions taking over.
Excuse yourself from the situation so that you can retreat to a private place to gather your thoughts and calm your emotions if you feel like you're losing control.