Personal Goals and Characteristics
You need to find what motivates you if the goal itself is not enough. Then you should keep your motivation in mind and remember it or repeat it to yourself when you feel yourself slipping into an old routine or are about to deviate from or attempt an action that will interfere with your goals. For example, you have a growing family, and you want to buy a house. A good motivator could be carrying a picture of you family in your wallet and bringing it out every now and then to remind yourself of your sacrifices so it can keep you on track.
Short Term Goals
Short-term goals are those that you want to accomplish in less than six months. It can be anything that you have been wanting to do, but haven't been able to accomplish, like catch up on your budget, have more nights out with friends or learn to cook Thai food. It is important that you set short-term goals because once you accomplish your short-term goals, it will encourage you and provide the necessary motivation to continue and meet long-term goals.
Long Term Goals
Long-term goals are different in the sense that you want to accomplish these goals sometime in the near future. Even though these goals will take more effort from you, still give yourself an end date. Without one, you goals can just dwindle away and never come to fruition. A date means you are serious, so set one. Some examples of long-term goals include buying a new car, visiting a foreign country or buying a home.
Plan of Action
You cannot plan thoroughly enough when it comes to setting personal goals. You have to envision what you want to achieve and write it down. Writing down your goals is important because it serves as acknowledgement to yourself. Next, start planning out the steps you will need to take to achieve your short-term goals and then your long-term goals. Whether you use a mobile app, planner, paper or calendar, just keep your plan of action where you can see it and interact with it periodically. For instance, don't spend hours writing down your goals and developing your plan only to forget about it and find it later underneath a stack of books.
Staying Positive
Remember that it will take time to accomplish your goals, so don't get discouraged. It is helpful to remain positive and try to focus on what you can change and improve upon in your life. As long as you are making an effort, you will see results of some kind. If you need activities to keep your mind focused and your body from wearing out, consider taking a walk, spending time with your pets or even taking up yoga. With the right mindset, you will be more successful.