How to Replace Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
Write down a list of your self-limiting beliefs. These can related to appearance, work or even how you handle everyday situations. Beside your individual beliefs, write why you think these things or allow them to pop into your mind at any given time. Next, make a list of what you want most out of life. Match your self-limiting beliefs to your desires. For example, if you wish for more money, match this desire to a self-limiting belief that hinders you from obtaining your goal.
Jot down a list of exceptions. These exceptions should help to disprove your limiting beliefs. Find one exception for each limiting belief. For example, if you believe that you will always be poor, think of a person who started out poor and became successful through hard work. This will help you realize that self-limiting beliefs are not the absolute rule. Visualize your goals and see them as your future, not as your hopes for the future.
Take time out for yourself. Many people are too caught up in chores and activities to focus on what they would like to be doing. It's important to do something that you enjoy for at least 30 minutes each day, such as on a new hobby or reading a book. When something in your life starts to stress you, take a step back from it and compartmentalize. Create "to do" lists and complete tasks in order of importance.
Take care of yourself. It's easy to be stressed when you are sleep deprived or have unhealthy habits such as eating poorly or drinking excessive alcohol. Make it a point to go shopping once a week for fresh vegetables. Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it, regardless of what comes up. Set a fitness schedule so that you feel healthier.