How to Overcome a Bully
Realize that you are a victim of bullying. Just like dealing with any other problem, recognizing the problem is the first step towards finding a good solution. Once you reach this realization, you will understand that this is not a normal situation, you are not the cause of the problem, you are not being overly sensitive and that something needs to be done in order to stop the bully -- who often suffers from a disordered personality.
Keep a journal and write down all the incidents of bullying you encounter every day. This will help you find out the patterns of the bully's behavior and will ultimately reveal his intent. Keep your journal in a safe place.
Keep copies of all letters, emails or memos you receive from the bully. This can be priceless evidence of his behavior and will make it impossible for him to deny it.
Report the problem to a person in charge and seek justice. Use all the information and evidence you gathered in your favor. If you ignore the bully, he will take this as a sign of weakness and will continue harassing you. Whether it is a family, school or a work bully, speaking up and providing evidence is the best -- and only -- way to stop a bully.