How to Create a Positive Personality
Smile. A smile makes you look pleasant and more approachable. If you frown or look sad, you seem less approachable and may be considered a negative or mean person. Smiling, even when you're down, helps you feel happier and more positive about life.
Have a positive outlook. Don't look for the bad in every situation. Instead, seek the good in everything and everyone. Finding the silver lining may not be easy in every situation, but learning how to make lemonade from lemons can cause others to see you as a problem solver rather than a problem maker. Speaking positive affirmations daily helps reinforce positive thoughts and keeps your mind free of negativity.
Surround yourself with positive people. The company you keep plays a vital role in determining your outlook on life. Surrounding yourself with negative people increases your chances of becoming negative. Surround yourself with people who are full of joy, and their positivity should rub off on you. Don't spend large amounts of time with people who constantly complain, procrastinate or who never have anything positive to say. Bad habits rub off, and eventually you will be complaining, procrastinating and spewing negativity, too.