How to Stop Thought Transference
Stop Broadcasting Thoughts
Be aware. The state of awareness, of being conscious, requires practice. Most of the time, most people are "lost in thought." They're involved with the stories they're telling themselves. They're not really paying attention to their environment. When you're lost in thought, you are far more likely to be broadcasting your thoughts unconsciously.
Practice being aware by noting items in your direct view, noting what you're smelling or tasting. Feel what the fabric you're wearing feels like against your skin. This is what is meant by "mindfulness," the act of being conscious of what you're doing.
Continue working on being conscious for longer periods of time. Ask yourself, "Am I conscious?" The very act of asking yourself that will make you conscious for that amount of time. Noticing the world around you, and cataloging items in your mind, helps to keep you in this state of mind. Cultivating awareness and consciousness means you will no longer be sending out a maelstrom of unconscious thoughts for others to detect.
Cultivate calmness. When people are agitated, angry or fearful, they are likely broadcasting their emotions and thoughts without knowing it. People who are sensitive can easily pick up on your emotional vibrations when you're radiating fear or anger. Work on being serene and calm.
Stop Others' Thoughts From Manipulating You
Practice psychic protection. Visualize a bright, white light surrounding you as a sphere, protecting you from all psychic harm. If you're feeling like you're a target, use a simple ritual to protect yourself. Salt is considered highly protective, so spread a thin circle of salt all around you. The act of doing this will strengthen your psychic protections.
Project the circle of psychic protection around your home. Psychic protection acts as an energy wrapped around you, protecting you from harmful vibrations.
Ground yourself by going outside and standing barefoot on the earth. Picture a line or cord that runs from the top of your head to the center of the earth. Breathe deep and connect yourself to the earth.
Close off your energy loop. When you are feeling even a bit drained or threatened, sit with your legs crossed at the ankles, cross your arms and fold your fingers together. This closes your energy loop and keeps your energy re-circulating within yourself, and no one else can tap into it.