Energy & Attitudes Which Shape Our Bodies in Movement
Belief and Attitude
Setting a positive intention will help you get off the couch. Believing in the importance of fitness of the physical and mental self is the first step to integrating a workout into your life. Setting the intention to enhance your physical health is the most important first step to mentally placing yourself in the mindset necessary to begin a workout regimen. Understanding the need of a positive attitude and energy in your life will lead to a positive outcome for your physical health and fitness.
Mind-Body Connection
Understanding the mind-body connection will aid your physical being. Medical professionals have long believed there is a connection between your state of mind and your physical health. Dating back to Greco-Roman philosophers, there has been an understanding that a positive state of mind will aid in a healthy body, and conversely, stress and negative thought processes will create a depressed immune system and physical ailments.
Dealing With Stress
Laughter is a good way to reduce stress. Dealing with stress in a positive way will allow you to improve your physical health. Stress reduces our energy and depresses our immune system. Learning to deal with stress frees our energy to work out and improve our physical health. There are many ways to reduce stress, including talking to friends and advisers about our problems and writing in a journal. Some find working out to be a stress reducer as well, which serves the dual purpose of improving both our mental and physical health at the same time.
Body in Movement
Yoga pairs physical and mental positive energy. Yoga and pilates are two types of physical activity that pair the mental self and positive energy with the physical body in movement. These activities include deep breathing and mental state of mind along with physical poses that increase the body's strength and flexibility. The physical acts performed in yoga and pilates rely on the central nervous system, which controls breathing, balance and stretching. Yoga and pilates are known to shape and change the shape of your body in positive ways, but the key to these physical acts is positive energy.