How to Build a Vision Board
Photo of yourself
Internet access
Color printer
Printer paper
Poster board
Glue or tape
Thumb tacks or small nails
Things You'll Need
- Vision boards are a popular way to work toward your goals. The concept of the vision board is based on the Law of Attraction. This law focuses on achieving your goals, not the negative aspects of not having what you want or need. Use the vision board to focus on positive thoughts about your goals and you will be more likely to make decisions on a daily basis that lead you toward meeting them. Many people have achieved their short-term and long-term goals by using vision boards, also known as treasure maps, visual explorers or creativity collages.
Identify your goals and what you will be able to do when you meet them. Write your goals and visions in a journal or on paper. Take as much time as you need and identify the things that are really important to you so you can organize your goals. Include personal, professional, family and spiritual goals.
Go through magazines and cut out pictures that represent your goals, or things you'll have once you achieve your goals. If you choose, take pictures of people whom you can help when you meet your goals. Trim out anything in the picture that does not represent your goals. A good vision boards should appeal to you visually and emotionally.
Arrange the pictures on the poster board but do not glue them to it. You can put a picture of yourself in the center if it helps motivate you. You may also choose to group goals into categories. For example, put professional goals in one corner, family goals in another, etc. If you are unable to find pictures for some goals, draw one yourself or write the goal on the poster board.
Glue or tape the pictures to the poster board when you have finished arranging them. You can update your board from time to time if you use tape rather than glue.
Hang the board where you will see it frequently. Good places to put your vision board are your bedroom, a hallway you use frequently, next to the refrigerator or in your home office. As you meet your goals, or if your goals should change, you can take off old pictures and replace them with pictures of new goals. Some people leave the board as it is until all of their goals are met and keep the board as part of their success story. The placement of the vision board is critical to its success, according to people who use them regularly.
Look at your vision board frequently. As you look at it, visualize yourself achieving these goals and doing or owning the things on the board. Picture yourself as a successful person, according to the goals you have set for yourself.