How to Be a Stronger Person
Accept yourself as you are. A lot of stress and insecurity comes from trying to be something you're not. People respect people who are themselves and are not afraid to voice their own opinions.
Take care of yourself physically. Lack of sleep, improper nutrition and lack of exercise can place your body under stress. It's hard to maintain your inner strength when you are physically depleted.
Practice thinking positive thoughts. The next time you find yourself entertaining thoughts of doom and gloom, stop immediately. Fill your mind with images of a positive outcome, and dare to expect the best.
Make a list of your positive qualities. It's hard to be strong and confident when you don't believe in yourself. Reflect on compliments you've received in the past and focus on what you like about yourself. Read your list over twice a day to remind yourself what you have going for you.
Speak positive affirmations about yourself. When you drive to work, take a shower, walk in the woods or spend time alone, speak positive words about yourself aloud. You might not believe them at first, but as you repeat them often, the statements will take root in your mind and help you become a stronger person.
Act as if you are already a strong person. Imagine what a strong person would do in whatever situation you find yourself in and behave accordingly. Oftentimes modeling the very qualities you wish you had will help you gain them.
Attend to your spiritual life. Join a church, visit a synagogue or return to temple services, and explore the religion of your choice. Many people find great strength in focusing on their religious beliefs.