How to Exude Positive Energy
Build your self-esteem by identifying your strengths. It's also important to acknowledge your weaknesses to discover how you can improve. Set realistic goals for improvement and give yourself time to achieve them. Seeing results builds confidence. When facing criticism, don't get defensive, instead use it to your advantage and think of it as constructive advice. Working out and eating healthier are tangible steps toward improving all aspects of your life. Feeling good about yourself affects how others treat you.
Keep the big picture in mind, especially when setbacks happen. Focusing on the greater goal will help prevent you from delving into negativity. Try to see how small setbacks can actually improve the situation; maybe something was missing in a project that you didn't notice before. Make your goals manageable by writing out the steps needed to reach them and share them with coworkers or members of your team to keep everyone from feeling overwhelmed.
Compliment others by pointing out their positive aspects. Don't gossip as it can erode trust and create a negative environment. Building self-esteem in others creates a more positive situation and encourages others to look for solutions. Even if someone makes a mistake, don't dwell on the problem. Look for ways to find improvements and solutions instead.
Bring enthusiasm to projects and life in general. This doesn't mean you have to be a cheerleader all the time. It's impossible to be passionate about everything equally, but looking for aspects that excite or interest you can help you stay engaged. While you can't make everyone else constantly enthusiastic, lead by example. Try to find aspects of the project that will interest others and get them involved.
Being honestly optimistic doesn't mean you think everything is wonderful. Sometimes things don't work out. Acknowledge the situation, but find ways to move forward. People appreciate honesty and can be encouraged by optimism during difficult times. Being genuine helps others see that you care and want to help. It also builds trust by demonstrating that you're willing to accept reality, but not dwell in negativity.