How to Remember Things on a Daily Basis
Things You'll Need
- To-do list
- Sticky notes
- Planner
Make a to-do list. By making a daily to-do list, you are more likely to remember everything that you are supposed to accomplish. Make the to-do list ahead of time, not in the morning while you are rushing to get ready. Rank the tasks in the order in which you hope to accomplish them. Usually, the most important tasks should come first. When making a to-do list, it also helps to include the times that you wish to accomplish the listed tasks.
Post reminders for yourself. Leave yourself notes anywhere that you are destined to look. Leave sticky notes on your desk at the office, the bathroom mirror, even on the steering wheel of your car. Reminders will help jog your memory, and the more places that you leave them, the more likely that you are to come across them. Set your computer or cell phone to alert you when you have an important event that is nearing. Set a reminder alarm for a day or so before an important event and set another for the day of the event.
Purchase a planner. Keep your planner in your car, purse, briefcase, or wherever you think you will be able to reach it most often. Write down every obligation that you need to take care of for each day. This will help you to remember where you need to be and when. It will also help to ensure that you don't book too many obligations for any given day or week. A planner should help you maintain control over your schedule and prevent you from forgetting what is most important. Purchase a pocket planner if you are worried about carrying around a larger planner.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation can hinder all types of body functions, including memory. Try to sleep approximately eight hours per night. Ensure that you are getting quality sleep as well. Refrain from drinking caffeine or alcohol several hours before bed. Go to bed at the same time each night. This will put your body on a sleep schedule so that you are getting the most out of your rest. You may notice that after a few days of adequate sleep your memory will begin to improve.