How to Stop Frustration
Go for a short break. In the midst of your frustration, your mind is probably not even thinking straight. To regain your calm and composure, temporarily leave the situation that is troubling you. Walk away. Jog around the park. Have a cappuccino at the local coffee shop. Play with your beloved dog for a few minutes. Get away from the problem and clear your head. When you achieve some clarity, return to deal with the situation rejuvenated.
Think positively. To get through a difficult and frustrating situation, try to concentrate on positive results. Realize that although you may not always attain your desired results, that is entirely natural and normal. Aim for clarity and strength by acknowledging the fact that the possibility of failure should not prevent you from trying your best.
Vent your frustrations. When something is bothering you, there is absolutely no reason to keep your emotions bottled up -- it is unhealthy. Get your emotions out there -- whether you speak to a trusted confidante or family member -- or write them all out in your own personal diary. Putting your honest feelings into writing can be helpful in providing you with some additional perspective. It also can help reduce uncomfortable feelings of tension you might be experiencing.
Visualize your desired goal. When you're going through something frustrating, it can help to clearly envision your ideal outcome regarding the situation. Always remember to prioritize your specific goal amidst obstacles and problems: You don't want to get lost in frustrations and abandon your primary goal.
Focus on reality. With frustrations, there are always things that might be permanent and unchangeable, even if they are bad. Identify these permanent things and gain acceptance of them -- as much as you possibly can.