How to Stop Feeling Embarrassed
Laugh at yourself. As long as you are human, you are going to encounter occasional embarrassing situations. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. Embarrassing things happen to everyone. Laugh them off and move on.
Build your confidence. Realize that embarrassment is usually a temporary state of mind. Recall times when you felt especially confident. Remember occasions that you felt strong, successful and worthy.
Make a list of all of your good points, abilities and skills. This is no time to be modest. List as many things as you can think of, whether or not you would voice them aloud or mention them to another. Reread your list a couple of times a day. Realize that you have much to offer and view the occasional embarrassment from a proper perspective.
Take note of your thoughts. What kind of messages do you send to yourself on a daily basis? Do you tell yourself that you're stupid, ugly, mean or useless? Chang these messages by using positive affirmations. Create a list of kind, loving statements about yourself to repeat aloud on a daily basis.
Remind yourself of embarrassing moments you've witnessed that involved other people. How did they behave? Did they respond with anger, shame, guilt or other negative emotions, or did they laugh at themselves, realize that no one is perfect, and get on with their day? Model your behavior after confident people who refuse to let a small setback get them down.