How to Ignore a Jerk
Confront the jerk, and state that you are no longer willing to put up with his inconsiderate behavior. Let him know that if his rude actions continue, you will no longer have any communication with him.
Focus your attention on positive things. Live your life without communicating with the jerk. Do not make any attempts to contact her in person or by phone or email. Pretend that she does not exist.
Erase the jerk from your life. Remove him from any social networking and chatting sites that you frequent. If you need to, change your telephone number.
Avoid interaction with the jerk at all costs. Do not attend the same social gatherings as the person; even take a different route walking to work if you know your paths will cross.
Excuse yourself from the conversation if you are unable to avoid the jerk. Politely say you are busy, and leave the room.