How to Create a Structure and Routine for Yourself
List the things you'd like to get done each day. Include your "work" tasks as well as enjoyable things you'd like to make time for such as reading or visiting with friends. Include things that you need to accomplish daily as well as things you'd like to do regularly, even if they won't happen every day.
Transfer the tasks to a schedule. Some tasks will need to be completed at set times, especially if you work outside the home. Add those to your schedule first and work your more flexible errands around them. Also, think about how you feel at different times of the day as you're deciding where to place tasks. For example, if you're at your most energetic in the afternoon, that would be the ideal time to schedule in a workout. Keep it simple. If you're new to having structure and routine throughout the day, try starting with a routine divided into morning, day and evening rather than an hourly schedule.
Print or draw a neat schedule and place it somewhere where you can refer to it easily. If you spend most of your time at home, you could put it on a bulletin board or on the refrigerator. If you're more on the go, you may want to put it in a notebook or agenda book instead. Many cell phones are equipped with scheduling programs as well.
Refer to your schedule often, especially when you're starting out. As you practice your new routine, it will become a habit. It will start to feel natural and you won't need to think about it as much.