How to Get Rid of Stress Fast and Forever
Identify the specific things in your life, like bills, romantic entanglements or homework, that cause stress in your life. Write them down.
Identify and write down what is keeping you from accomplishing your goals, and determine specifically how you can overcome these obstacles. When you identify the obstacles in your life in a tangible way, they may not seem so overwhelming.
Set goals for yourself. This includes setting both large and small goals. For example, a large goal may be that you will be out of debt within a year, while a small goal may be that you clean your apartment by the end of the month.
Exercise regularly. This does not necessarily mean hitting the gym every day -- even taking leisurely walks gets your body moving and helps your body relax. Supplement your exercise regimen by getting an adequate amount of sleep each night.
Practice breathing exercises every day for five to 20 minutes. Lay down and breathe in and out deeply and slowly, concentrating on relaxing your muscles and clearing your mind of the stresses you face throughout the day.
Take time to engage in activities you enjoy. No matter how driven you are to accomplish your goals, you need to set aside time for relaxation, positive thinking and distracting activities.
Express your feelings. Bottling up your stress only makes it worse; connect with a friend or even a stress management support group so you can discuss your frustrations, fears and hopes in a supportive environment.