How to Change Your Outlook With Humor
Look for the ridiculous or amusing in every situation. Intentionally looking for humor can help change your overall outlook. Even a situation that at first glance looks negative can be amusing. For example, if you typically get annoyed waiting in a long line, start to observe the other people in line and their behavior. Some people fidget, others will start complaining, and others just patiently wait. Instead of concentrating on how long it's taking, start to look for something funny in the situation.
Respond with humor. Your reactions to other people or situations contribute to your overall perception and daily experience. When people speak to you, do your best to respond with lighthearted humor and a positive attitude. This is especially helpful when dealing with someone challenging. For example, if you have a coworker that you don't particularly like but have to deal with in your job, interact with with humor instead of becoming annoyed with the individual. This can help in change the nature of a negative relationship to a positive one.
Surround yourself with humor. Spend time with people who you know have a good sense of humor and a positive outlook on life. Laughter is often contagious. Watch comedies and funny television shows because they are written by people who already have a humorous outlook on life. Go see live comedy shows. Comedians are people who have a unique and funny way of perceiving life and those around them.