Assertiveness & Stress Management Training Programs
Assertiveness is a communication form in which a person is able to express her feelings and thoughts while still respecting the feelings and thoughts of others. Assertive communication is open, honest, direct and solution focused. Assertiveness is the most effective communication method, with the three other types, passive, passive-aggressive and aggressive, being ineffective. Assertiveness is tied to stress management because assertive communication helps needs to be met, leads to open dialogue which reduces misunderstandings and conflict. This leads to less stress overall; poor communication is the leading contributor to stress. Assertiveness can be learned and there are many programs that teach assertiveness skills often as part of the package for stress management. There are many programs offered online, in person, through colleges and private counseling centers.-
Mind Tools
Mind Tools is a website that offers various training courses for self-improvement. The course focuses on 52 essential skills which fall under specific course objectives like identifying and managing stress, improving relationships through effective communication and reducing negative thinking. The assertiveness component is covered in the communication objective but also has relevance in the negative thinking component, as assertiveness helps to improve self-esteem. The course is self-paced and, once purchased, the materials are available for download so you can reference them as much as you'd like.
Silicon Beach Training
Silicon Beach Training offers a two day assertiveness training with confidence building course in England. Key objectives include the link between confidence, assertiveness and self-esteem, communication approaches for various types of relationships, resolving conflicts and building self-esteem. Teachers lead students in exercises and role play activities to practice effective communication and stress management behaviors. Assertiveness and stress management are inextricably linked and both concepts are pervasive throughout the program.
Institutions such as hospitals and colleges often offer training in communication styles, including assertiveness and stress management. Typically, the training is conducted by a licensed counselor who leads participants through various activities designed to practice effective techniques and understand the causes of stress and effects of ineffective communication. An example of such a program is the stress management program offered at McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois. The program offers many ways to learn such as workshops, individual counseling and resources for study.
If you feel that an online training course or large group training will not be effective, you may consider undergoing individual counseling. Finding a counselor who specializes in stress management and assertiveness training is ideal, but all counselors have knowledge of effective communication and life/stress management techniques. During individual counseling, you will not only learn techniques to handle stress and practice assertive communication, the counselor will dig deeper and help to identify reasons why you are susceptible to stress and ineffective communication. Some counselors or large counseling practices may even offer in-person training programs that use group counseling in combination with individual counseling.