How Do I Get Through the Barriers of Life?

Everyone is faced with challenges in life, whether these hardships are financial, professional, familial or even spiritual. Overcoming these obstacles is a matter of personal resolve, along with assistance from loved ones when appropriate. No matter what type of fear you aspire to conquer or hardship you want to master, it's essential to come up with a plan for defeating the mental or physical barriers you face and live a balanced and more fulfilling life.


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      Write down some of the things you feel are keeping you from getting through the barriers you're facing. Keep a journal so you can look back on your entries often, or make a list of the mindsets or physical obstacles in your way. For instance, if you want to open your own business but aren't sure how to afford this venture, write down a detailed list of all the barriers that prevent you from accomplishing this goal, for example, "no time for a second job" or "not enough money in savings."

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      Pray or meditate to get clarity on what your barriers actually are and to get answers on how you can overcome them. If your barrier is unhealthy friendships or relationships, do some honest soul-searching to figure out why these are hardships in your life. It could be because of relationships you witnessed as a child or because you don't feel as though you've accomplished enough in your adult life to deserve healthy friendships. Once you know the definite, deep-seated reason for your barrier (and whether you created the barrier for yourself), you'll be more equipped to eliminate the obstacle by removing toxic people from your life.

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      Research your barrier. Look for expert information on how to get over feelings of unworthiness that keep you from pursuing the career or relationship you want. Find out what medical professionals have to say about people with physical disabilities running marathons or taking on a new sport. This will not only give you trusted information from highly esteemed professionals but will show you that you're not the only one who has experienced this obstacle and there truly is a way to conquer it.

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      Ask for help. Talk to a family member about the emotional barriers you're exploring and looking to defeat; your loved one may be able to offer insight into the reason for your feelings and offer support or be a shoulder to cry on during your growth process. Or, talk to a counselor about the issues you feel are barriers in your life. Choose a professional who has experience dealing with similar cases, and honestly divulge your situation to receive relevant suggestions that will lead to your healing.

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      Adjust your attitude toward your barrier throughout your development process. When you feel better about the task you're taking on, you're more likely to experience results more quickly. Even if you know that a certain action is necessary in eliminating your barrier, e.g., saving more money to start a company or getting rid of people in your life who are causing you negative stress, if you do it begrudgingly, you are stunting your growth and making the process even more difficult. Remember that these steps toward a new life are for your benefit and that you'll feel much better once they're accomplished.

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      Try to make your barriers a thing of the past as often as you need to. If you face obstacles in your career due to a lack of education or training, take all the classes you need--regardless of how long it takes. If you have to break your game plan into smaller sections, like making a list of how to make extra money to pay for school, then do so. A clear plan to conquer your barrier will make the overall task less overwhelming. Remember, procrastination will not make your obstacles disappear, and putting off necessary actions that will lead to your growth will only make the process more difficult. Try as hard as you can for as long as you need to until your barrier is a thing of the past.

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