Healthy Ways to Release Anger
Find some alone time. When you are in the midst of an angry moment and need an immediate way to bring yourself down a notch, walk away. Find some space where you are not around others or the situation that is provoking you. Take the time to decide what your next move will be to deal with your upset reaction.
Express your anger in an assertive and clear yet nonaggressive way. State your reasons for being angry and what needs you have. Express your thoughts and feelings in a journal or other artistic outlet.
Physical activity provides an immediate release of tension and a chance to refocus your energy. Aerobic activity releases endorphins, which act as a natural pain reliever and mood enhancer. Slow stretches relax you and calm you down.
Meditate or practice breathing regularly. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm to provide oxygen to your brain and cells, and relax your muscles. Be aware of when you are breathing shallow or from the chest. While focused on your breathing, repeat calming words and phrases to yourself or imagine that you are in a place you enjoy.
Seek counseling to gain tools to deal with the roots of your anger. Anger is a natural and important emotion, but when it interferes with your quality of life, it is time to seek help. Speak with a professional who can offer supportive and nonjudgmental assistance in helping you understand and release your anger.
You can change the way to deal with situations that make you angry. This requires you to adjust the way you think. You can acknowledge your frustration instead of reacting in a heated and over-dramatic way. Start by replacing negative thoughts such as, "I never get my way" with "This did not work out this time and I am upset." The more you practice changing the way you react to situations that normally anger you, the easier it becomes.
Laugh it off. There are times where it is appropriate and even healthy to release frustration by making light of the situation. Use humor as a way to bring the intensity level down and give the situation a chance to simmer. Avoid sarcasm as a form of humor when you are upset.