How to Overcome a Lack of Focus
Motivate yourself. Many people develop focus problems because they simply can't find the motivation. To get motivated, ask yourself what tasks are top priority and visualize the positive outcome of accomplishing them well. Clearly visualizing success and the path you plan to take to achieve it can be highly effective in getting your mind revved up and focused.
Cut out technology for a little while. Constantly being bombarded by stimuli, whether it's the radio, cell phone text messages, email message alerts or music videos on television, can lead to serious distraction and focusing problems. To get your focusing under control, temporarily shut your computer down, silence your cell phone and turn your television off. Get into the moment by concentrating solely on the task at hand.
Organize your life. Spaces that are messy and cluttered can bring clutter of the mind. If your work desk is piled high with random stacks of paper as well as pens, staplers and other miscellaneous items, your mind is unlikely to feel calm and relaxed enough to fully concentrate on what you need to be doing. Declutter your area to reduce distractions and to keep your mind plowing straight head, instead of worrying about all of the documents floating around in front of you.
Create lists. To increase organization and focus, put in the time to write out lists of things that you need to do. People often feel unfocused because they are overwhelmed and confused by all of their priorities and obligations. Clear your brain of all of the reminders that keep popping into it, whether it's helping your child with his science report or making a follow-up call to an important client at the workplace. Do this by putting together concise, easy-to-read and detailed "to do" lists. Lists can also be effective in helping you know where to begin.
Keep still. Fragmented motion can lead to an attention span that is also fragmented. Maintain a body posture that is still, relaxed and at ease. The more you fidget and move around, the less relaxed and focused both your mind and body will be.
Count. If you simply can't escape the thoughts in your mind in order to provide your full focus to something, slowly count. As you count, pay attention to your breathing. As you exhale, think only about the counting that you are doing and ignore any thoughts of other things that might be nagging at you.
Get away from people. If you need to overcome focus problems, it is possible that people are your issue. Whether people are constantly stopping by your desk or knocking at your door to talk to you, they can be very distracting and get you out of your zone. If you need to, shut and lock your door. Remember that if an issue is really urgent, the person can leave you a message.