Pros About Cat and Dogs
Heart Health
Studies have been done showing that owning a cat lowers your risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Cats are not the only pet to reward your efforts with heart benefits, however, as the activity of walking a dog every day also lowers your risk for heart attacks and diseases. Dogs and cats are often brought to patients in hospitals or care centers, as their effects on patients' health and spirit are positive.
Weight Management
Taking care of an animal is an active process. A dog needs to be let out or walked every day. A cat cannot clean its own litter box. You have to take the animal to the veterinarian and purchase its food. Carrying around your small dog or cat, picking up and carrying the food and litter, letting the animal outside when it requests it are all activities that can help you manage or lose weight. The more of these activities that you perform, the greater your energy output and the more weight you will lose.
Social Benefits
Owning a dog or a cat makes you a pet owner, and many pet owners love talking about their pets. Many groups meet to socialize their dogs or learn about cats. People who like animals are drawn to talk to you when you walk your dog or mention your cat. Dog and cat shows are also great events to meet other pet owners, learn about your breed, and find new products and services that can make your companion healthier or happier.
Other Benefits
Dogs are working animals and are useful to herd livestock on farms. They can also be trained to aid disabled people by leading them or performing functions that are difficult for the person, such as opening a drawer. Because of their hunting abilities, cats have been kept on boats and at farms for hundreds of years to keep the rodent population at bay.