Steps Toward Positive Life Changes

A person's attitude toward herself is often rooted in childhood. A child's self-esteem is closely linked to many factors and if she was discouraged and denigrated by the important adults in her life, she is not going to value herself. Self-worth is a delicate plant that needs careful nurturing. Children who know that their parents and other significant adults love them are likely to be confident, to relate well to others and to value themselves. However, this is not set in stone; it is possible to change negative feelings and improve self-esteem. There are positive steps a person can take at any stage to make life more fulfilling.


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      Challenge your thinking. When your confidence has been knocked it is easy to fall into a negative pattern of thinking. You find yourself saying, "Why does this happen to me?" or "Nothing I do turns out well." When you find yourself thinking like this, ask yourself what your evidence is for these generalizations. Everyone gets it wrong, sometimes. What's important is to learn from these setbacks, and a positive attitude will help.

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      Write down your long-term goals. The act of writing them out will make them seem more achievable. Also, write down your time frames. List the actions you are going to take to achieve your goals. Set yourself a task daily to move your plan forward. Review your goals regularly, setting new ones and celebrating your achievements.

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      Cultivate cheerfulness. Try to see the positive in challenging situations. Surround yourself with people who are positive and dynamic, as these traits seem to be infectious. Read self-help books and study the habits of people who are positive and motivated. If you have a secret dream, such as learning to dance, or writing a novel, make a start.

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