Signs of Enlightenment
In enlightenment, drastic changes in levels of energy are common. If you notice that on some days you don't even have the energy to walk 3 feet away from your sofa, while on other days you can't stop moving, you might be experiencing a spiritual awakening. To regulate your energy levels, accommodate them for a while. Relax on your low-energy days and enjoy yourself on your high-energy days.
Strong feelings of confusion also can indicate spiritual enlightenment. Individuals might experience imbalance of the emotions and strong mood swings that shuffle between depression, guilt, anxiety and even euphoria. A person might simply not feel the "same" as he used to before, almost if his "authentic" version is just starting to emerge.
Rebellion also points to enlightenment. If a person finds herself starting to question and doubt the ways she was raised, enlightenment is a possibility. In enlightenment, questioning can be a healthy and normal stage that can lead to brand new routines, activities and even dynamics in interpersonal relationships, whether with family members or friends.
Intense and vivid dreams also can be a sign of enlightenment. If a person wakes up and it takes them a moment to revert back to "real life," he could be experiencing powerful life changes that point to enlightenment. In some cases, dreams can be messages that assist people in developing clear understanding of either their past or present lives.
Changes with eating patterns also are sometimes associated with enlightenment. With enlightenment, a person's body becomes increasingly energy-sensitive, which means that she might have a different reaction to foods that she used to eat frequently. The increased sensitivity to energy also can bring about different food cravings. Adverse food reactions, intolerance and allergies can be temporary as the body adjusts to the energy.
With enlightenment, an individual may find that he feels much more deeply connected to nature, whereas before he might not even have given it a second thought. Enlightenment can bring on an intense adoration and appreciation for all that Mother Nature has to offer, from the vibrant colors to all of the the diverse shapes. It also can lead to stronger affection for animals.