How to Focus on Tasks
Eliminate all distractions. Turn off the television and radio, close computer programs that aren't related to your work, and don't answer your phone unless it's an emergency. If you find yourself taking frequent breaks to check your email or update your Facebook status, consider temporarily disconnecting your Internet.
Choose a time of day to complete your tasks when you aren't hungry, tired, or sleepy. It's much easier to focus if your mind and body are both fresh and you don't have to take breaks to snack or nap.
Clear your mind prior to beginning your task. You'll find it easier to concentrate if you are not preoccupied by other thoughts. If you are experiencing personal problems, consider lying back and breathing deeply. It'll calm your nervous system and your mind.
Organize your assignment into smaller tasks. Instead of cleaning your entire house, for instance, divide the chore into simple jobs like cleaning the bathroom, tidying the bedrooms, and mopping the kitchen. After you've completed each task, allow yourself a short break before returning to work.
Establish a deadline. This will keep you from procrastinating and making excuses. Be realistic about your deadline. If you're planning to clean your house allow yourself several hours. However, don't be too lenient. Don't give yourself all day to complete a task if you know it can accomplished in a few hours.
Reward yourself after completing your tasks. This will serve as a psychological motivator. After you focus and finish your work, return to activities you find enjoyable, such as watching television, reading a book, or listening to music.