Ways to Cure Life's Hassles
Taking Control
Whatever the hassle may be, you need to take control in order to address it. Succumbing to the stress of hassles will not fix things. First, avoid unneeded anxiety. Limit the number of minor hassles by saying "no" when faced with added responsibilities. Stay away from people who stress you out. The last thing you need is to be hassled by someone who irritates or annoys you. Control your surroundings. For example, if you hate traffic, take a less congested route, even if it is longer. Avoid topics that stress you, such as politics or religion. There is no need to be hassled by another person's strong opinions. Finally, look at your schedule and cut down the number of hassles. Figure out what should be done and what absolutely needs to be done.
Strengthen Relationships
With the endless number of life's hassles, having strong support is essential when dealing with them. Gravitate toward steady people in your life who you can depend on. If you do not know anyone like that, focus on building new social networks. If one of your relationships happens to be a source of stress, avoid that person. To build new relationships, try things like volunteering for someone, reconnecting with old friends, taking classes or joining a club.
Since life's hassles can and will stress you out, relaxation is an excellent cure. Things like deep breathing, muscle relaxation and meditation can all be a great help. For deep breathing, sit with your back straight. Slowly breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth as many times as you want. Muscle relaxation involves tightening each muscle for about 10 seconds and then relaxing it. Start with one foot, then the next, and work your way up your body until every area has been tightened and relaxed. Meditation allows you to focus on the present while forgetting issues about the past or future. If you are sitting still, place your attention on each bodily sensation without thinking of it as "good" or "bad." If you are walking, focus on each individual step. If you are eating, think of nothing but your meal, so avoid distractions like the TV.
Build Resistance
Life's hassles are much easier to cure if they do not affect you as much. To that end, increasing physical fitness is a powerful tool. This does not mean you have to bench 300 lbs. If you do any exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, you may notice a marked difference in how well you handle life's hassles. Eating healthy is also important, especially at breakfast. Throughout the day, maintain your energy with nutritious foods. Avoid things like caffeine, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.