How to Live Without a Lot of Stuff
Prioritize. Before getting rid of things, consider your biggest priorities in life. Prepare a list of about four to five things that you value deeply. Think about your goals and the things that make you smile every day. The more meaningless clutter you get rid of, the more time you will have for these four or five things that mean so much to you.
Establish a minimalist residence. To exist without a lot of stuff, maintain only essential pieces of furniture. For instance, a living room only requires perhaps a couch, coffee table and one or two chairs. Strip down your bedroom and leave just a bed (maybe even just a mattress), dresser and bookshelf. Utilize minimalist accent decorations throughout your home. Instead of piling your desk high with random knick knacks, papers and so forth, decorate it simply with a standard family photograph, for example. In a minimalist home, quality over quantity always wins.
Use other modes of transportation. Cars are big, expensive and destructive to the environment. Get rid of your car, which can be a big burden. If possible, walk or bicycle to your workplace every day. If you reside in an area that has public transportation, such as a bus or train, use those options instead.
Refrain from buying things you don't need. When you are out shopping, before making an impulse purchase, ask yourself if you really need what you are getting. When you're reaching over to buy that long and flowing maxi-dress, ask yourself if you have anything else in your closet like it. Think about whether you could live without this item. Practice being content with all the things you already have to avoid the pitfall of buying unnecessary items and bringing them into your home.
Throw things out frequently. If you haven't used something in a year or more, throw it out and never think about it again. Re-evaluate all of your belongings every few months or so with a fresh eye, and look to throw out anything that you do not regularly use. Try to adopt a plan that can keep your life simple. For every new item that you buy, try to throw away one thing (or more).