Techniques to Regain Focus
Know the reason for you to be present, either to pay rent if you're at work or to meet friends at a club. Every moment in life is a moment to learn. Realizing and thinking about your goals can help you regain and maintain mental focus.
Write down how time you spend on both your work-related and free time. Go back and read what you've written down. If the way you spend your time isn't conducive to your goals, you can determine when you waste time and refocus it on what you should be focusing on.
Health management is a big part of being a better, happier person all-around. Always consider what you put into your body and why. Eat healthily and record your daily calorie intake. Eating unhealthy foods can make you feel lethargic and ruin your focus.
Without oxygen the brain cannot function, therefore causing depletion in the human thought process. Although it may seem simple and obvious, breathing is a step not to overlook. Stopping to breathe can help you regain focus in any situation.