Signs of Anger

Anger is a healthy and normal emotion in moderation. It's also a complex emotion that can be used in a lot of subtle ways -- to motivate, intimidate and manipulate, among others. These signs don't have to be overly visible.
  1. Vocal Changes

    • When someone is angry, you may notice some changes in her voice. These changes include higher pitch and louder overall tone, and the angry person may be unaware of this. Angry people often also try to intimidate by employing total silence. Screaming and crying are also common signs of anger.

    Physical Symptoms

    • Anger can show up in the form of various physical symptoms, to the point that an angry person can make himself feel sick. These physical signs include sweating -- particularly of the palms -- dizziness, feeling lightheaded, trembling and shaking, hotness of the face and neck, fast, pounding and increased heart rate, stomachache, headache and teeth grinding.


    • When a person is angry, she tends to have an overall sense of rigidity and tightness in her body. Look for clenched and tightened fists. Also observe any signs of muscle tension, such as a stiff back.


    • You can often notice signs of anger on a person's face. When a person is overcome by strong feelings of anger, his face might flush and turn bright red. This is due to rapid circulation of the blood throughout the body, triggered by anger.

    Behavioral Signs

    • Some indications that a person is angry include decreased sense of humor, sarcasm, aggressive and abusive behavior. If a person is showing signs of resentment, guilt, anxiety, depression, sadness, irritation or isolation, it's very likely he's experiencing anger.

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