How to Find Resolve
Think about your past experiences. Remember times in which you wanted to accomplish something difficult and you persevered until you got it done. For example, think about when you learned to swim or ride a bicycle. Think about how you struggled to master the skills and how it felt when you finally did. This reminiscing will help you remember that you can accomplish whatever it is that you set out to do.
Visualize yourself taking the steps to accomplish your goals. Imagine yourself having success. This will help you gain resolve.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself at the point at which the goal or task is complete. For instance, if you want to lose 50 pounds, visualize yourself 50 pounds lighter, wearing smaller clothes and with a smile on your face. Repeat this visualization once or more per day -- such as before you go to sleep or when you wake up.
Write a timeline or list on paper to help map out the path to accomplish the task or goal. For instance, if you want to finish college, write the date you will return to classes, how many classes you'll complete each semester and when you will graduate.
Tell yourself that you will succeed as many times as needed per day. Allow yourself to imagine how you will feel once you've reached the goal. Indulge your imagination and think about specific details connected to the accomplishment such as how you will look, what you will do and how others will react. Repeat these actions continuously throughout the process of reaching your goal.