How to Find a Life Coach in Virginia
If you are seeking a life coach in Virginia, there are many online resources that you can use in your search. Whether you're seeking guidance for your life, career, finances, relationships or creative pursuits, there are Virginia life coaches that specialize in many areas of self improvement.
Each coach brings his own background, training and philosophy to your individual session. Regardless of approach, a common theme to expect is an assessment of your goals and specific action steps that you can take to achieve them. Virginia, like the rest of the United States, does not have licensing requirements for life coaches. Therefore, the philosophies, approach and background of coaches are diverse. Ask a lot of questions beforehand to get the style of coach that you need.
Visit the free site and browse listings of life coaches in Virginia. Describe your goals and your ideal coach, then the site will generate personalized life coach recommendations based on your own criteria.
Go to the site Type in the words "life coaching" in the search box on the home page. Type in the city in Virginia on the next page, and use the drop-down menu to the left of the location search box to choose a mileage radius for your search then hit the "go" button. To further narrow down your search, use the section on the left of the screen marked "filters." Select the skills level, age group, availability and payment options, and check out the coach's ratings. Click on the button in the filter section marked "update results." When you find a coach in Virginia that appeals to you, book your appointment right through the site.
Look through a comprehensive list of life coaches on Psychology Today's website. On the home page, click on the "find a therapist" tab. Type in the Virginia zip code you are searching for and choose "life coach" from the drop-down menu below the zip code search. To the left of the next screen, you can refine your search criteria and click on the life coach of your choice to find all contact details.
Contact the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, which has a directory of life coaches in Virginia. You can call the institute at 732-982-8156 or send an email to [email protected]. The website,, lets you see a bio, picture and credentials of each member listed. Each coach listed has been trained by the institute and schooled in a philosophy of bringing out the best in each client. To find your coach in Virginia through this site, click on the homepage tab marked "hire a coach." To the right of the screen under "Directory of Coaches" use the drop-down menus to select the state of Virginia and life coaching as your category. Click on the link to any of the coaches that appear. Click on the words "contact me" under the individual's photo and a form will populate allowing you to email him with your questions and contact info.