Pros & Cons of Holosync
Holosync Pros
Numerous testimonials of Holosync users attest that the Holosync program enhances sleep, reduces stress, boosts creativity, creates a more positive attitude, enhances relationships and increases productivity. Centerpointe, the company behind Holosync, provides support, especially in the beginning stages when users receive a series of emails describing experiences they are possibly having.
Varying Benefits
The benefits received from Holosync are varied, as people respond differently to the program. Most, however, do notice significant changes, some dramatic and quick, others more gradual and subtle. Initially, most experience sounder sleep and less stress. Over time, some people claim to experience deep meditation, release of traumatic memories, calmer and more centered states, greater productivity and deeper spiritual feelings.
Holosync Cons
The Holosync program entails a major time commitment. Each CD is one hour and, to do the program correctly, it is to be listened to almost nightly. There are 13 levels that take years to complete. Each level has a number of CDs that are listened to within a specific time frame as the brain habituates to the recorded program and it loses its effect. Once the time frame is over, users are to move to the next level for continued benefit. This becomes costly.
When beginning the program, the Holosync staff warn that some people feel overwhelmed from rapid neurological changes; this sometimes leads mood swings and agitation. If this occurs, the staff at Centerpointe are a phone call away.