How to Bounce Back from Being Bullied
Name the problem. Do not try to pretend that it does not bother you. Instead, call it what it is: bullying. It's not your fault. Do not be afraid to tell your parents, your teacher, the school principle, or even a boss. Surprisingly enough, child bullies grow into bullies as adults. They target those who don't fight back or call attention to the situation.
Watch for signs of bullying. If it is your child, she might try desperately not to go to school or feign illness. You might notice loss of appetite, and issues such as stomach aches and headaches might appear out of nowhere. Depression and a deep drop in grades are sure signals that something is wrong. Make an appointment with the school counselor, the child's teacher, and other administrators to work together as a team. If you are an adult who is being bullied, take advantage of your company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Stand your ground. Do not back down; this only feeds the bully's need to dominate and degrade. Bullies tend to target individuals whom they think won't fight back. Many bullies were bullied themselves, but that does not matter. We all have a choice in how we choose to treat others, regardless of how we were treated.
Tell others if you are being bullied. Do not keep quiet. Bullying is one possible cause of post-traumatic stress disorder, which is a stress-related mental illness. Post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to suicidal or violent actions. Talk to anyone and everyone who will listen. Not only does this shed light on bullying, but it allows others to step in and address the problem. It also allows you to receive proper counseling to gain a better perspective on what happened to you. You can and will heal. Empower yourself and never be afraid to protect your physical, mental and emotional right to live in peace.