How to Be More Positive in Your Attitude
Pay attention to your inner dialogue and engage in positive self-talk. Grow aware of negative thoughts and change them into positive ways of thinking. If you hear in your head, "I can't do this job," modify it to "Maybe I have never done this before, but I'll give it my best shot." If you're concerned about your appearance and hear, "I'll never look good in that dress," alter the thought to "I'll try another dress that will show off my figure."
Act "as if," which is another strategy that falls under the rubric of cognitive restructuring, or changing the way you think. Act as if you can succeed in a certain endeavor even if you think you can't. Go through the motions until your thoughts catch up to your actions.
Surround yourself with positive people who support and reinforce you. Spend leisure time in positive environments that have happy associations, such as a favorite swimming pool, a hair salon, a bowling alley or an eatery. Avoid negative, self-destructive people as well as toxic situations and environments.
Engage in creative visualization via meditation. Park yourself in a comfortable setting that is free of traffic and distractions. Close your eyes and relax. Select something about yourself that you want to improve, such as more exercise, better eating habits or tranquil relationships with others. Contemplate your life if this aspect about your life did improve. Create a motion picture of a scenario that features your improved self in the future. Run this film through your head a few times. Affirm yourself with a positive statement at the finish of the visualization.
Let go of negative aspects of your past to boost your self-esteem. Compile a list of past events or people who had a destructive impact on your life. Write a series of statements, beginning with "I want to let go of..." and fill in the blanks with items on your list. Close your eyes and picture each statement written on colored balloons in your mind. Allow the balloons to float away and disappear. Tell yourself, "These incidents or people are in the past and can't influence or hurt me today."
Volunteer for charitable work. Gain perspective on the positive aspects of your life by helping people who survive on a lot less. Count your blessings.
Laugh. Share jokes with friends. Watch funny movies or read comic books. Bond with people via humor, which can invigorate the spirit and spread goodwill.