How to Find Our Psychic Fixations
Track how much time you spend engaging in all activities and keep a month-long journal. You will begin to see patterns emerge, which will allow you to note amounts of time that seem excessive for the activity in question. Don't be afraid to consult others about whether time spent on a particular activity seems disproportionate to that spent on other activities.
Notice the intensity with which you engage in certain activities. Too much intensity can mean that you are unable to pull yourself away from a task, snap at people who try to interrupt or even ignore day-to-day responsibilities because of a particular fixation. One example of intensity of fixation is the video gamer who plays for six hours straight without taking a break. Such fixated people can appear zombie-like, with a one-track mind. Another example is the person who spends hours on Facebook or Myspace, both of which can be highly addictive.
Ask your family if you seem fixated. They will be the first ones to notice your fixations because they are more than likely on the receiving end of neglect. Solicit brutal honesty, and do not be afraid to listen to how your neglect has made them feel. Sometimes we don't realize we have a psychic fixation because we are so caught up in it.
Identify whether your fixation is active or passive. Do you have obsessive thoughts and ruminations, or do you engage in the activity as if on autopilot? Active fixation is often caused by low-circulating neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin. Many obsessed and fixated patients find significant relief from their fixations when placed on an antidepressant. A passive fixation can be caused by habit or boredom.
Identify your fixation by tracking time spent on it, the intensity with which you engage in the activity and by asking friends and family members for input. Seek assistance from a specially trained professional who is familiar with treating your particular fixation. For instance, if you smoke and are considered to have an oral fixation, that would be treated differently than if your oral fixation manifested as overeating. Other psychological fixations can include sexual fetishes and Internet addictions. With proper counseling or medication, fixations no longer need to rule your life, but awareness of the problem is essential.