How to Change Breathing Techniques

Changing your breathing technique can be beneficial for mental focus, stress relief and pain management. One of the most effective breathing methods for relaxation and stress relief is abdominal breathing, also referred to as diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm is forced downward, thus pushing air into your lungs and helping with improved return blood flow. This specific technique can aid in all of the previously mentioned areas, and it is one of the easiest to learn. Abdominal breathing can be practiced in a few simple steps.


    • 1

      Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Make sure that when you take a deep breath in, the hand on your abdomen is higher than the one on your chest. If it is, this means the diaphragm is properly pulling air into the lungs. You should only put your hands on the chest and abdomen when you are initially learning this breathing technique. Once you have accomplished this technique, you no longer need the hand placement for this initial step.

    • 2

      Breathe in as deeply as possible through your nose, and exhale from your mouth. Hold this breath inside as long as you can, but do not exceed a count of seven. It may seem complicated, but it is quite simple when actually put into use. This will become easier with practice. Your eyes can be closed if it will help you focus on the process.

    • 3

      Exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to eight as you do so. It is important to remember that a key to the success of deep breathing is how you fully exhale; not just how deeply you inhale. Focus your mind on pleasant scenes; this will enable you to achieve maximum focus. The more you practice, the easier these visualizations will be.

    • 4

      Repeat this process four times with five breaths each time. This will help you feel relaxed, focused and pain free. Once you are comfortable with this technique, you can easily perform it whenever necessary. You can also use this method of breathing to facilitate meditation, help with mental focus, aid in stress relief and relaxation, and increase stamina for physical activity.

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