Pampering and Relaxation Tips
Going to a beauty spa, whether it's for a day or an entire relaxing weekend, is an excellent way to get all of your stress out by relaxing. As a bonus, spas can also make you look good, from your skin and your nails to your hair and your body. Consider getting de-stressing treatments, such as body scrubs, deep tissue massages, aromatherapy massages, reflexology, natural seaweed wraps, pedicures and manicures. Apart from getting you pretty and fresh, these treatments also allow you some time to think.
Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises are an effective way in which to relax your body and your mind simultaneously. Participating in these exercises can have a variety of positive effects on the health, including reducing risk of hypertension, helping with asthma and strengthening the abdominal muscles. They also are beneficial for assisting in focusing and clearing the mind. One method to try is sitting and deeply and slowing breathing through the nose, then counting up to six, holding the breath and then slowly exhaling, several times in a row. It is important to remember to focus on the breath and counting when engaging in this breathing exercise.
Meditation also works for relaxing and calming the mind and body. Apart from those benefits, meditation also can help encourage a positive attitude about life and decrease your chances of experiencing chronic stress. The process involves sitting down in a relaxed manner and then focusing on clearing the mind out entirely. Choose between thinking about nothing at all, or focusing on something subtle, such as a sound. Make sure that your eyes are also closed partially. Breathe out of the nostrils without trying to control your breath. Develop awareness of the breathing sensation as the breath goes in and out of the nose.
Bubble Bath
One easy and affordable way to relax is by taking a nice, hot bubble bath. Make sure to play some light music as you do this, or bring along some casual reading, whether it's a magazine or a book. For some additional pampering and ambiance, light a candle. Make sure to lock the door so no one can distract you.
Power Nap
Taking a power nap is a way to energize yourself while also pampering and relaxing yourself. To fully recharge yourself, limit your power nap to between 20 and 30 minutes. If you are worried that you won't automatically wake up, set an alarm. If you sleep significantly longer than that, you might risk not being able to fall asleep at your normal time that night, and ruining your schedule.