How to Access the Unconscious Through Breathing
Things You'll Need
- Cleared floor space or hard-backed, straight-backed chair
Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit. Minimize as much noise and interference as possible. While sitting cross-legged on a cleared floor will help you focus, you may be more comfortable in a hard-backed, straight-backed chair.
Imagine a straight line going from your bottom to the top of your head. Imagine pulling the line taught and, in doing so, straighten your torso. Sit straight and tall. Place your hands in your lap with your palms facing upward. Relax your shoulders.
Close your eyes, and take a deep breath through your nose. You will feel your abdomen expand as you inhale. Breathe in for four silent counts. Hold the breath for four counts, and then exhale for four counts. As you practice, you will find that you can inhale and exhale more slowly and purposefully. As you do, relaxation will occur more quickly and effortlessly.
Focus on the breath. As you sit and breathe, random thoughts will enter your mind. Do not dwell on them. Briefly acknowledge them as thoughts, and push them aside while continuing to focus on your breathing. Sitting for 30, 11 or even five minutes at a time may seem tedious at first, but you will become accustomed to practice with time.
The most unusual thoughts, conversations and memories will surface as you breathe. You may experience feelings joy, sadness, confusion or acceptance rising from your unconscious. No right or wrong way exists to practice this exercise. Once you are aware of your feelings, you may handle and deal with them accordingly in order to reduce stress and gain self-awareness.