How to Keep Your Spirits Up When Life Seems Miserable

When unforeseen setbacks come in triplicate, you may find yourself wondering how you will gather the strength to endure the next challenge thrown your way. Whether your struggles are due to finances, a difficult relationship, or a cataclysm outside your control, you may feel like sinking into despair. But you can take actions to improve your resilience and your outlook when life seems miserable. Strive to keep your spirits up, even when times get tough.


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      Be thankful for the possessions and relationships that you do have. If you've got the utility bill paid, a decent living space, or nice-looking clothes, appreciate it! Also take time to recognize and celebrate the important people in your life, such as a spouse, child, friend or teacher. These people are a blessing!

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      Put your problems into perspective by considering how things could be worse. Lend a supportive ear to a friend. They will benefit from your attention, and listening to somebody else's hard luck story will give you a fresh perspective on your own situation. Or read about the latest catastrophe in the world news. Really, things could be much worse.

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      Get fresh air and exercise to feel better both physically and mentally. Physical activity sends beneficial hormones moving through your system, while inactivity can spiral your mood downhill. Even if you don't play a sport, you can dance or stretch, toss a Frisbee, ride a bicycle, or go for a walk or hike. Getting outdoors into the natural world will enhance your well-being.

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      Eat well by choosing nutritious, natural foods and avoiding foods that are high in fat, unnecessary chemicals or empty calories. Remember that simple and healthy is best.

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      Focus on an interesting hobby. Getting creative will help you to diversify your feelings so the troubles outside your control don't feel so overwhelming. Resist the urge to sink passively in front of the TV when you feel blue. Instead, use the opportunity to create, build or fix something.

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      Play music. A powerful song can speak to you in a way that will take you beyond your worries. Listening to music can serve as therapy, so fill your house or car with rhythm and melody. Even better, play an instrument. Playing, singing or listening to music will put your mind on a happier level and help you get through tough times.

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      Let yourself cry, but remain optimistic that life will get better.

      Face the future with optimism. Nothing lasts forever; not even trouble. When life slams you with a tough situation, you must sometimes simply be miserable ...for a while. Consider the tears you may cry as a learning experience that will make you into a stronger person. Hold onto the hope that things will get better. Before you know it, your optimism will ring true and happy times will return.

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