Personality Traits Based on Habits
Individuals with more controlling tendencies or personality traits are likely to exhibit this in several aspects of their life. This trait can manifest in relationships, where one partner needs to know the whereabouts of the other partner at all times. Meticulously clean people may also be compulsive about cleaning if they are lacking control in other areas of life. Controlling personalities tend to need to have their own way or they become easily angered or saddened. Controlling personalities are generally thought to be more critical and judgemental rather than observational.
Disrespectful habits can be an indicator of a selfish or seemingly uncaring personality trait. Often people who fail to take care of themselves are not likely to be in a position to take care of anyone else. A certain amount of self worth goes into upkeep, and once you lose value in yourself, you lose value in your relationships. Selfishness can appear in a variety of ways. These traits can manifest through spending, compromise and time management. People with a selfish demeanor are likely to be introverted more often than not.
People who are more thoughtful tend to have a giving or "putting others first" type of personality. This trait usually shows up in everyday behavior from holding doors to surprising loved ones with affection that is shown in a variety of ways. People who have a more giving personality tend to value people and socializing more than money and tangible goods. These people are thought to have more of a feeling personality and less of a thinking or critical personality.
More-sensitive personalities can become excessively emotional with little to trigger it. Very sensitive people are often very receptive to the actions of others. They often take these actions to heart and internalize others' behavior as a result of their own. Sensitive people have habits of excessive worry and nervousness, which can also lead to controlling tendencies out of fear of being hurt.