The Effects of Positive Thinking, Attitude and Communication
Mental Well-being
Positive people have a better capacity for love; this makes optimists kinder and more considerate to others, which improves their mental well-being. Positive thinkers also are more prone to conduct a healthier lifestyle, from nutritional intake to having outside interests. They are also better at coping with hardships and stressful situations. As a result, optimists do not tend to suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression and others. Positive attitudes promote mental well-being,
Dr. Richard J. Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, discovered that the effects of positive thinking extend to the cells of the body. According to his research, optimists have higher levels of disease-fighting cell activity, and also suffer from less stress. A positive attitude helps people to better cope with stress, which can be harmful to the body. Less stress can help people live longer, recover faster from injuries and illness and reduce death from conditions like cardiovascular disease.
Positive thinkers are more future-oriented. They like to accomplish goals and set higher ones. They are also more likely to take risks, which in a work or career setting, can set them ahead. According to Suzanne Segerstrom of the University of Kentucky, optimistic people are less likely to give up when they encounter a setback, and put in double the effort when they try again. Positive thinkers also tend to learn from their mistakes, making their chances of success greater.
Happiness is contagious. When a person is happy and positive, the ones surrounding him may share the same feelings. Communicating in a positive way uplifts others and makes them trust and appreciate an optimistic person. Another reason positive thinkers have better interactions with others is because negative thinkers usually have self-esteem issues and do not take risks, which can prevent them from meeting people and making friends.