How to Get Rid of Worry
Recognize who is in charge. Often when we worry, we feel that we have lost control of the situation. By recognizing that you are in control of your mind, you can make the conscious decision not to let your worry overcome you. Doing this will help you shift from a feeling of helplessness to one of being in control. Use logic to internally debate your worry. Think about the solution to your problem. If the problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it.
Accept your worry and then let it go. Worry exists for a reason: to help you survive. If we did not worry about getting into car accidents, for example, we would not take driving lessons and would not exercise caution when driving. A certain amount of worry is healthy, but too much of a good thing can be dangerous. Acknowledge your worry and then let it go.
Write down your worry. One way to acknowledge your worry is to make a list of the things that are bothering you. Once you have your list, analyze your worries and prioritize them into ones that can easily be resolved and those that require further concentration. This can make it easier to discover what is truly bothering you and help you to come up with a plan to solve your worries.
Stop procrastinating. It is tempting to put things off until the last minute and then worry about all that you have to do. Make a conscious decision to come up with a solution now rather than wasting precious time worrying about it.
Take a break. If you are overcome with worry over something, it can be helpful to take a break and clear your mind. Go to a quiet place and sit for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed. Make a mental list of the blessings in your life. Once you recognize the positive, your worry may not seem so overpowering. If sitting in a quiet place does not work for you, try going for a walk. The exercise will help you clear your mind and raise your endorphin levels, giving your spirits a lift. With any luck your worry will diminish.