How to Clear Thoughts From Your Mind

Thoughts that linger in your head can affect your sleep by keeping you awake throughout the night. Fast and quickly changing thoughts, also called racing thoughts, can also leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed during the day. Racing or worried thoughts can be a symptom of bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress syndrome. However, anyone can suffer from occasional racing thoughts, especially when worried or stressed about life, relationship, money or work.


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      Go to see your doctor if you suspect that mental illness or severe stress is causing your racing or worried thoughts. Your doctor can diagnose the overlying condition and prescribe medications that can help reduce anxiety, stress and mania and clear your mind.

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      Exercise regularly. Exercising can help steady your mood and clear your thoughts by relieving stress. According to Mayo Clinic, exercising releases brain chemicals that can make you feel good, relieve anxiety and help you sleep. Go walking, bicycling or do any other activity you enjoy such as gardening.

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      Do meditation and relaxation exercises to clear your mind. Practice breathing techniques that can help you relax and manage stress. You can also learn relaxation techniques by taking a yoga class.

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      Talk to friends or a therapist. Talking can help you process and understand the underlying causes for your thoughts. Sometimes, just talking about your worries can help relieve your thoughts and help you clear your mind. According to Mayo Clinic, therapy and counseling can also give you insight on how to cope with stress and teach you stress-management skills.

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      Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Staying healthy and getting all the necessary nutrients and vitamins can help balance your mind and manage stress and anxiety. Avoid caffeine that can stimulate your mind even more.

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      Get enough sleep. Proper amounts of sleep are important for your health and can help you cope with stress. If your thoughts are keeping you awake, talk to your doctor about medications that can help you sleep.

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