How to Set Goals for Achieving
Clear your schedule for at least 15 minutes. Gather your materials together, whether it be a pencil and paper or your computer with word processing software.
Write down everything you need to get done. This can be anything from a work or school related project to laundry or shopping. Anything you think needs to be accomplished, write it on the list.
Analyze the list for priority. If something is of highest priority, such as "deposit check into bank" or "plan for meeting at work," put an A next to it. A tasks are the most important. If a task is important, but doesn't take precedent over other tasks, such as "get oil changed," "do laundry," etc., put a B next to it. B tasks are necessary, but are not imminently necessary. All of the tasks that are left put a C next to them. C tasks are things such as "organize your desk" or "sew a button on a shirt" or recreational activities. C tasks are things you would like to do, but don't have to do immediately.
Look at your list and rewrite it with the As on top, then the Bs and finally the Cs.
Complete your A tasks. This will help you take care of the most important tasks first and leave the others until you have time.
Complete your B tasks once your A tasks are done.
Complete your C tasks once your B tasks are done.
Keep track of your progress and adjust your list to how productive you are. As you accomplish more and more, you may decide to put more items on the list.