Great Smoking Alternatives
Nicotine Reduction
There are many products that offer smokers a way to control their chemical dependence on nicotine. Nicotine patches and gums come in different nicotine concentrations and can be used to slowly step back your intake. Start with a piece of gum whenever you feel the urge to smoke, reducing how often you have a piece over time. Once you feel you're ready, begin using a lower strength gum, stepping back your usage once again until you feel like you can go a whole day without the gum.
Oral Fixation
Some people just get used to the feel of a cigarette between the lips. If you're one of these people then consider having a stick of gum. It gives you something to chew on and can be a tasty way to beat that craving. Toothpicks, lollipops, hard candies and even chewing an extra pen or pencil can also give you something to do while you're sitting at your desk.
Some people are concerned with gaining weight when they quit smoking. It is true that some people put on a small amount of weight; this can be attributed to using eating as a coping mechanism. Exercise can be a great way to fight off this possible weight gain and feel great about yourself. Exercising can also take your mind off your urge to smoke and help relieve a day of stress.
Change Your Routine
For a lot of smokers, smoking is a part of their daily rituals. Whether you have a cigarette first thing in the morning with coffee or on the walk from the car to the office, sometimes smoking becomes something that you just do. Find little ways to change your daily routines without causing more stress for yourself. Use the time you would've spent having a cigarette to take a warm bath instead of a shower. Get a new book to read on your lunch hour instead of stepping out for a smoke. The important thing isn't to do more or less in the day, just do something different.