How to Maintain an Organized Mind
An organized mind is central to having an organized life. In the fast pace of modern living, there are many things that can distract you, factor into stress levels, and generally clutter your mental psyche. "Rule your mind or it will rule you," said Horace, a Roman poet, more than 2,000 years ago -- and the statement holds true today. Scientists have learned a lot about the mind and its powers, how it works and how it effects our moods. These insights can help you maintain a healthy, organized mind.Instructions
Meditate. Take time every day, especially in the morning or whenever you first get up, to have a few moments of quiet. Try to do this in a place that is away from noise and distractions -- and let go of worries for a while. Think about places and things that make you happy, and try to obtain a feeling of calm and peace that you can take with you throughout your day.
Exercise. Get your body moving, and you will be surprised at how this will clear your mind. Improve circulation and energy level -- which will enhance brain function -- with any kind of exercise that you prefer. Yoga is an effective choice because it incorporates breathing and relaxation into your routine.
Get fresh air. Take a walk, do an activity such as bicycling, gardening or sports, or just sit outdoors and enjoy nature when you can. Oxygen is renewing to the mind and body, and nature decreases stress levels significantly, which aids in maintaining an organized mind.
Keep a journal or notebook to jot down thoughts, and make lists of things to do if you are prone to forgetfulness. Writing things down is a great way to clear the mind and organize your thoughts -- and with lists it is easy to see what needs to be done and has already been accomplished. This will also help you focus, prioritize and give you a place to check goals off which can be motivating.
Boost your brain cells. Try to avoid stimulants such as caffeine and too much sugar, and narcotics such as alcohol and nicotine. Take vitamins and supplements, such as ginkgo, which aid in brain functioning and memory. Exercise your mental muscles with puzzles and brain games.
Clean up your living space and try to establish a regular schedule for your days. Your environment has a big impact on your mood and thought patterns, so organizing and simplifying what is around you will help you organize your mind.