How to Calculate the Number of Days You Have Lived
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
Take your age and multiply it by 365, since that's how many days are in a year. For example, suppose you were born on January 1, 1990. On September 1, 2010 you would be 20 years old. 20x365=7300.
Add one day for every leap year you have been alive. For example, people born in 1990 had leap years in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. The total of days lived is now 7300+5=7305. Leap years are years when February has 29 days instead of 28. They are added to keep our system of time in line with the Earth's revolutions.
Add the additional days between your last birthday and today. To continue with the example, on September 1, 2010, eight months have passed since your last birthday. The eight months between January and September have a total of 243 days. You have lived a total of 7300+5+243=7,548 days.