How to Find Happiness in a Frustrating World
Think about today. Worry less about yesterday and tomorrow. Buddha once said, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." If you focus on yesterday's problems or aspects of the tomorrow, you're losing out on the happiness available in the present moment.
Help out a friend. While it may sound facile, helping out another individual has an effect on your overall mood, especially when you perceive your service in a positive light.
Use your strengths and talents. Whether you're at home or work, doing what you're good at is likely to have a positive effect on your mood. For instance, if you have a strong singing voice, belt your favorite song as you complete otherwise boring housework.
Meditate your way to a happier you. Take time out for at least 15 minutes each day to sit quietly and do some soul-searching. Think about the non-materialistic things that provide your life with meaning. Friends, family and health are a few examples.
Get out and enjoy nature. If you're stuck indoors all day, the lack of natural sunlight will put a damper on your mood. Head out to a local park on your day off for a leisurely walk. Take in your surroundings; watch the birds fly overhead or admire the squirrels protecting their young.
Volunteer for an organization. Working with children with disabilities or underprivileged individuals will alter your perspective on your place in the world. Learn to be grateful for what you have.
Choose happiness. Abraham Lincoln said it best: "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Think like Lincoln by changing your perspective on life. Don't think of getting rained on at work as a negative thing. Appreciate the beauty of nature as the rain droplets caress your skin. If someone insults you, be proud that you're strong enough to walk away.