What Barriers Can Affect Our Thinking Process?
Excessive stress can produce a variety of symptoms within the individual. These can vary, from anxiety to physical illness. Stress can create fatigue and emotional imbalance. If stress affects you for too long, you may develop anxiety or depression. Try to reduce the stress in your life. Remove the stressors if possible or at least reduce them. Practice mediation techniques and get plenty of sleep to counteract the effects of stress on your body.
Certain illnesses can affect your thought processes. The flu, strep throat or even an ear infection can cause you to develop a fever which can trigger hallucinations or changes in temperament. Some diseases, such as Alzheimer's, actually cause deterioration to the brain and result in memory loss. This is most common in the elderly; but if you are having recurrent memory loss, it wouldn't hurt to see your doctor for a check-up.
There are many potential side effects to medication, both over-the-counter and prescription form. Research the side effects before taking any medication. If you have just started taking a medication and you notice changes in your thought process, talk to your doctor as you may need to switch prescriptions or change the dosing requirements. Some medications may solve one problem but create a completely new one.
Lack of Sleep
Lack of sleep can cause as many problems, if not more, than many illnesses. In order to operate at our full potential, humans need eight hours of sleep a night. Also take into account the hours that you are sleeping; if your bedtime changes frequently, this can affect the quality of your sleep. Try not to drink caffeine or alcohol before bedtime as alcohol can force you into a deep sleep while caffeine can prevent you from getting any sleep at all.